: // [Just Never Meant To Be]
Jongyoung Dang
JD, youngh-ah, jongie
Stillwater, CA
Hero Support/Hero Tech Production[UHC]
CIS Male(He/Him)
Jeong Yunho
Age 12
A Criminal breaks into his family home during summer break. Seeking revenge after JD’s parents rightfully locked them up he killed both JD’s mother and father. Sparing no mercy to make sure that they suffered just as the criminal did in Necropolis[A specialty prison off the coast of Stillwater for criminals who specifically used their abilities to commit crimes]. Said Criminal did not get to finish the job after Police and his Older Brother arrived leaving JD as the sole witness to the crime. Unfortunately JD’s newly manifested ability while weak still caused an electrical fire that quickly spread and destroyed a good amount of evidence that prevented from confirming the identity of his parents killer.
Age 13-17
JD struggles to cope with survivors guilt, knowing that his parents killer got away because of him no matter how many times he is told other wise. Therapy helps and is a long term commitment as he makes strides both forwards and backwards towards “coming to terms”. He meets the Hwang family while in high school after needing to be carried to the nurse by Kang-Dae Hwang cause of an asthma attack[princess carry no less, JD still glares at him for it to this day].
Age 18
JD enters university in hopes of getting into hero work. A dream that is quickly demolished by his severe asthma, failing to meet the minimum requirement for physical health. But he doesn’t give up and quickly takes up courses to work in the support and hero technology sectors in order to provide equipment to keep heroes such as his Brother and Sister safe.
Age 19-23 JD excels in all of his classes, easily double majoring in hero technology production and cyber security. His abilities also giving him a natural upper hand. Power Control and Utilization classes allowed him to expand on his control of technology and the voltage in which he could absorb and discharge. But the side effects did not ease as the Lichtenberg figures like bruises continued to grow in size and his “short circuited” periods grew longer.
While in university JD meets Seung-Su Ya; universities football team running back. One poorly aimed toss leads to yet another visit to the university nurse but not for a reason that the nurse is used to seeing JD for. Considered the most unlikely friend for JD to ever make. But is thankfully saved the embarrassment of another bridal carry with a piggyback ride to the nurse. Concussion free Seung becomes yet another regular in JD’s life.
During a rare occasion that he is sent out to patrol with his brother Tonka and Marley he is caught in the crossfires of what he will later learn was a large scale hit operation to take out not only his brother and sister in law but also himself. He remembers very little visually but the sounds of his brother choking on his own blood and the faint screams of Marley plague him after he awakes in the hospital.
Again; the only survivor.
Corruption and his brother’s discovery of it had been Tonka and Marley’s ultimate downfall. JD knew they knew, knew that in the end that was why they died and that was why they had done what they could to stop him from dying. He wished he hadn’t, he wished he had been put 6’ under with them the day of their funeral. Especially since he was technically only burying one full casket. The other empty with Marley’s body never being recovered.
His hours at work were cut, mere weeks before the incident leaving him unqualified for full-time benefits. Missing the mark by a mere fucking 3 hours a week. No health insurance, and his all his remaining PTO was drained within the first 2 weeks of recovery at the hospital. He had to sell the home Tonka had bought for them just to cover the funeral. He was still shouldered with 25% of Tonka’s hospitalization and 100% of his own.
That wasn’t the worst of it; the Stillwater UHC Division Director had been the one behind all of it. His cut hours, his sudden assignment to be on patrol that day, and for organizing the hit. He spends the next few months couch rotting in Kang’s home before removing and distancing himself. Sleeping where ever he can so he stops being a burden on Kang.
JD possesses the ability to absorb, discharge and even generate an electrical current. His body is resistant to voltages as high a 300v with little to no ill side-effects. He can withstand high voltages but he starts forming Lichtenberg like bruises on his body and becomes excessively short of breath due to his severe asthma. He is also not immune to being electrocuted its just a lot harder to do so. It has been noted that the use of a defibrillator would require the use of 400v or higher in order to restart his heart if its ever needed. This amount may need to be increased as his ability continues to strengthen. JD also is a walking lightning rod and it is not uncommon for thunder and lighting to strike frequently during storms within a very close radius. Though rarely does it ever strike the ground, and most commonly causes intra-cloud lightning.
JD has the ability to perceive, receive, transmit and interface with technological objects like electronic machinery, signals and hardware, as well as communicate with computerized informational data, and manipulate all kinds of technology without the need of physical interaction to technology and machines. Now this is not some psychic ability, but is due to the electrical current JD is able to produce by himself. The field he creates from his Electrokinesis offers an invisible connection to almost any electronic device within a 2ft radius around him. And he can focus the currents he creates onto one object for a stronger more stable connection. This ability has made him fluent in binary and can effectively decode anything that comes up and can decrypt almost anything if he’s connected long enough.